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  2. Resident Management

Enrolling a Resident

Watch to learn how to add a new Resident from the dashboard and property and updating occupancies for units. Step-by-step instructions are included below the video.

  1. Log in to Livable Pro: https://save.livable.com/
  2. From the dashboard select "Enroll new resident" 
  3. Choose the property and press the move-in symbol to the right of the unit to enroll a resident
  4. Input the Resident name, email, and phone number
    1. Email is important for the Resident to receive an invite to the Livable Pro Resident portal
  5. Bill Start Date
    1. The date the resident is responsible for paying any utilities used
  6. Give Access On
    1. If an email was input you will need to select which date you want the email invitation to be sent to the resident

Important notes:

  • Paper Invites are paid by the property manager
  • Paper statements are paid by the resident
  • Utility caps will only apply to that specific utility not the entire statement
  • "Opt-out" can be used when a resident is not responsible to pay certain utilities through Livable Pro