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Resident Account Profiles

Take a walk-through of Resident Account Profiles, as well as learn how to resend, download or print statements.


To view a Resident Account Profile: 

  1. From the Livable Pro Dashboard, select the Property in which the Resident lives.
  2. On the right-hand side of the Unit row, click the dropdown that says "To-Do."
  3. Select "View Account Profile." 
  4. The Resident Account Profile will open in a new tab.
  5. From the Account Profile, you can resend a statement, turn on paper statements, post a credit/charge, edit the Resident's information and post a payment.

To print, download or resend Statements: 

  1. From the Livable Pro Dashboard, select the Property.
  2. By default, you will be on the "Residencies" tab. To the right, select "Statements."
  3. From here, you can select the needed Statement Month.
  4. You will see a list of Residents and the option to "Resend Statement" via email if a Resident has an email on file, as well as to "Print Statement" or "Download Statement." You can print directly or download and print to deliver a Statement to your Resident via US Mail or in person.